That one tattoo appointment

I went and got a tattoo today. 

A tattoo that has been on my mind for years and was planned out, so it meant something to me. I needed an artist who would really bring out the details and bring it to life for me.

Little did I know I would spend 4 hours just genuinely speaking about everything and anything to her. From shows to relationships to food to politics to mental health. I am most definitely not one to speak on these things with just anyone. I like to keep my energy close. She had said something to me that stuck out because little did she know I was doing research weeks before on a career choice that sounded perfect for me.

“You should be a guidance counselor or something if that’s what you’re really into.” It made me stop for a minute because it was like she already knew what my goal in life was. She understood just by the words I was speaking. She could already tell what I was passionate about it and what I could do to start helping others. I explained how thorough I felt about breaking the mental health stigma and just hoping that my voice could be of importance to someone one day, or even change their life. The rest of the time that I sat in that chair I just continued to think back on that and it really impacted me. My heart had been set on it then. It was what I was meant to be doing. She made me feel like I wasn’t crazy or inadequate to try and make this happen because it just takes one voice to change someone’s life and be a change. You can’t change without stepping out of your comfort zone at least once.

This tattoo artist said, “There are hundreds of tattoo artists out there, but you decided to choose me. Your words could have an effect on someone, even if there are hundreds of bloggers out there.”

Hi, I am Kendra and this is me stepping out of my comfort zone.

So, I went and got a tattoo today and it changed my life.



Whatever this is.