An Out of Place Mind

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Whatever this is.

it’s 2:22 while I’m writing this, so I hope no one expects perfect grammar and proper sentences because in all honest; it’s not me. My mind thinks too fast for my fingers to type and I overthink, so there’s that. I sometimes reminisce on things I should’ve said six months ago or if I’m at the right spot in my life. I think back on things like the clothes I wore to a party and ask myself why I even wore that in the first place. I question everything I do or say or even think regularly and I understand its not healthy for me.

I used to think people actually cared about what I had to say or what I do, but in reality in their heads they’re probably thinking the same way I do, so I should feel no shame for myself.

I stopped caring about what other people thought of me and my actions. I’m here for me and that’s what matters. I am doing things to make myself happy and to create a life for myself that I don’t hate.

I’ve built myself up for months to come to this point. I sit with the uncomfortable. I sit with the deep, dark thoughts that keep me up at night and understand why so I can rid myself of those thoughts.

My words are just words at this point, but I hope someone can take these words and understand. I hope I am able to help anyone and help bright light into their life.
